Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Oh The News

Sports are fun to watch whether it's soccer, baseball, basketball, football, or volleyball. More fun to watch than the news unfortunately.
ImageChef.com - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more
1: Like this would be such a surprise...
Senators Reportedly Got Favors from Countrywide-npr.org

2: Seems as though this basketball game could be dangerous...
Police to increase security for Celtics game-boston.com

3: California is sooo going to regret this...
Same-Sex Couples Flock To Say Their Vows-cbsnews.com

4: Who said they aren't cool...
High School Tony Awards Honor Nation's Biggest Drama Club Nerds-theonion.com

5: Geez, take something else away from him...
Margate man to battle condo over right to run toy motorboat in lake-obscurestore.com

6: A cure for cancer?...
Healthy Diet May Curb Cancer Genes-abcnews.go.com

7: They should fear it...
Gay couples fear Nov. ballot may nullify marriages-news.yahoo.com

8: Think before you act and ruin your life...
Plymouth teacher guilty of sex with student-detnews.com

9: Don't kiss someone on the ear...
Kiss of Deaf: Kid Smooches Ear, Mom Loses Hearing-foxnews.com

10: Could it be true? Would he do something so demeaning?...
US elections: Obama snubs Clinton with job for former staffer-news.google.com

Have a great evening and see ya later taters!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Democrats Are Holding Back No Punches

Racist Liberal Democrats?

March 12th, 2008

I never thought I would see this. Not only is the Democratic race starting to turn nastier but now the Obama supporters are saying the Clinton group is continuing to be racist. How ironic….

The latest hoopla is over a statement by former VP candidate Geraldine Ferraro, a fundraiser for Hillary Clinton. She said “If Obama was a white man, he would not be in this position. And if he was a woman (of any color) he would not be in this position. He happens to be very lucky to be who he is. And the country is caught up in the concept.” You wouldn’t think anyone would consider that to be racist. Ask John Edwards or any of the other qualified white males who fell by the wayside early in the Democratic race. They were all more experienced than Obama or even Hillary but could not compete against the uniqueness of a woman or a black candidate. Only a minority could compete against another minority. Pointing this out isn’t racist, simply realistic. Yet the Obama supporters don’t see it that way. Or perhaps they are trying to twist it to their own advantage. In either case, a number of Obama supporters, including senior advisor David Axelrod are crying racist, asking for an apology and for Ferraro to step down from her position on Clinton finance committee. The professional campaigners on both Obama and Clinton staffs will probably be able to put this all aside and unite together when one of them is finally picked as their candidate. But to the rank and file supporters this is becoming personal. The nastier it gets, the more they take it to heart and resent the other side. And the latest Rasmussen polls are starting to show this trend. It could very well be that McCain might win simply because either the Obama or Clinton supporters were so disillusioned and bitter over their primary loss that they gave up and didn’t vote at all.

Meanwhile the Republicans will sit back while the Democrats tear their party apart. And many Republicans might think that even though McCain wasn’t their first or even second choice they are relieved that we have a candidate and can avoid the bitter fights that the Democrats are experiencing. And to think, a good part of it is because one Democratic group is calling another Democratic group racist. I suppose if you live long enough you will see just about anything…..
